All of the most successful marketers routinely ask one question: What are the best in the industry doing and how can I replicate them?
In the digital marketing world, this question is necessary constantly, as the landscape changes daily. Despite the omnipresent shifting of tactics, however, the fundamentals of great digital marketing remain consistent. The brands who are the most successful across the board, regardless of platform or industry, follow a small set of core principles. These include strategy, authenticity, and delegation. We’ll dive into each one of these principles in depth below:
Great Brands Develop a Digital Marketing Strategy
No successful brand stumbles to success in digital marketing. Successful digital marketing campaigns all stem from a well thought out digital marketing strategy. It’s shocking to me how many companies will throw tactics at a wall like spaghetti to “see what sticks” and then complain that various mediums “don’t work.”
The most successful digital marketing strategies take a few things into consideration:
- What are your business objectives? – The first thing you must consider when establishing a digital marketing strategy is what business objectives you want to achieve via digital marketing. How do these objectives align with other people or departments within your organization? Will your superiors be satisfied with these objectives, or should you reconsider these goals to align with your executive team?
- What mediums are most conducive to your goals? – Next, ask what mediums are going to be most conducive to your goals. Just because Twitter seems like a medium you should be playing on, doesn’t necessarily make it true. Consider how each potential medium would lend itself to your objectives and only invest in those.
- How will you measure success? – Finally, you need a clear way to measure success. Put clear metrics at the forefront of your strategy so you can easily tell where you’re achieving your objectives and where you’re falling short.
If you’re looking to shortcut this process, try using a digital marketing strategy template that will do part of the work for you!
Great Brands Remain Authentic on Social Media
Social media – Some brands do it extraordinarily well, some do it extraordinarily terribly. Most brands are so forgettable on social media that you don’t even notice them. Social media is tricky because there is no silver bullet. What works for one audience is completely irrelevant for another. Content that one brand manager takes viral would get another brand manager fired for offending their base.
Instead of looking for tips and tricks on “going viral” or even getting noticed, focus on building an authentic brand voice that resonates with your base. Your brand should have a personality that reflects who you are as a company. By investing the time and energy necessary to building a solid brand voice that you can trust your team with, you can eliminate worries of being inauthentic or offensive on social media, allowing you to focus on how you can engage with social users in a more meaningful way.
Great Brands Ask For Help
Finally, the best brands aren’t afraid to delegate responsibilities to experts. For some companies, keeping all marketing efforts in-house makes sense, but the most successful brands tend to be the ones who are able to find great digital marketing agencies and delegate work to them effectively. For example, if you want to integrate Google Adwords into your digital marketing strategy, but you have no experience running an Adwords campaign, it would likely be much more cost-effective to find an agency to handle those details for you.
As your brand looks to leverage digital marketing, don’t be afraid to ask for help! Our team is always happy to chat about digital marketing strategy, just reach out!
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